Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Another excerpt

Only this one is much more interesting.
One of my characters just basically told another character the plot of my JulNo, and I figured that that would be much more interesting then me going into excruciating detail about it XD

“I didn’t say I was going to save the world, I just said it would be a good excuse—” Quill was silenced under Kalmay’s look. “Fine. My friend Sayden said that we have to keep the Keys away from this guy or—well, actually, I’m not to sure why. But he made us make a blood oath, so if we stop looking, we die. And that would suck.”
Kalmay nodded. “Who’s, we?”
“Well, there’s my best friend Isaac. He’s basically this quiet guy who’;s to sarcastic and way to nice. He needs to tone down his morals, because some day he’ll meet a girl and she’ll just walk all over him. And then there’s Collier, who looks likes he’s about seven but carries around a bunch of weapons. And he makes these annoyingly elusive comments about having a bunch of lives on his conscious. And then there’s me. I’m like the amazing glue that keeps us together. Which is why I really need to find them. Without me, they might just kill each other. Oh, wait—it's me that they always seem to want to kill, isn't it? Damn.” Quill took a deep breath. He didn’t usually talk so much, but the cave kind of freaked him out. Maybe the sound of his voice would be enough to keep the monsters away.
Not that he believed in monsters.

Yup. I love Quill. Not as much as I love Collier, though. He's this little blond kid, with these really big blue eyes, who carries the following weapons:
*Three knives in a strap across his chest
*A pack of homemade arrows in a pack on a strap going the other way across on his chest (so they make an X)
*A bow on his back
*A sword on his belt (sheathed, obviously)
*And a dagger on an armband

I love how I talk about my characters like they're real people :) They are, to me!

JulNo wordcount at 8:45 on July 7: 25528

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