Sunday, February 27, 2011

Everything To Me - David Lehr

Alright, first of all, because I'm lazy, I'm going to start titling my blog posts with songs that I've been listening to lately. I just found David Lehr as as I was screwing around on Youtube, and he's AMAZING. I encourage you to go check him out!
Second, I've just now made the decision to participate in Script Frenzy in April, except like last year, I'm writing 100 pages of novel. I've tried scriptwriting, and I dunno... I just can't get my head around it. I prefer writing books, I suppose :)
So I'm going to spend March planning, which is a new thing for me--usually I have a sort of half-assed plan that goes for the first few chapters and then I'm on my own. So I'm officially going to be a true planner this year.
Alright. This is going to be fun :)
P.S. You know I've been posting on this blog since December 9th, 2009? Wow, that's like, a year and eighty days! And to think I thought I would give it up in a week :)

1 comment:

  1. That's a good idea for how to make the most of Script Frenzy - I am not really into scriptwriting either, though give mad props to those who are ;)
