Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Years Eve Eve Day

Yeah, long title, I know.
So, this really doesn't have much to do with writing, actually, but whatever. Updates are fun!
1. My new haircut = love. Because I'm a narcissistic teenager, I will post as picture:

2. My mom got me tickets to the All time Low concert in Toronto April 25. Excuse me for a moment... "YAYAYAYAYAYAY!" That is all. You will be hearing a lot about ATL for the next few months. Brace yourself.

3. Huh. I guess I will be slipping something about writing in here after all. So, I hit 25000 words on TCSC a few days ago. At first, I was sort of like, "The story sucks I hate it I hate my life it's just a rip off of Mortal Instruments GAHH", but I introduced a new character (and with him, a plot twist! Le gasp!), and I really love him. I don't want to jinx anything, so I'm going to shut up now.

Yup, that's about it. I probably won't post for the next few days (Faber Drive concert on the first! :)) so happy freaking 2011!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mortal Instruments

Hey, sorry I've been MIA lately, but I've literally divided all my time between reading, eating and sleeping. Oh Christmas Break, how I love you!
As you can probably tell by the title, I've been reading the Mortal Instruments series, by Cassandra Clare. All I can say is...
But seriously. I read the first one, and I was like, huh. This is pretty good. Then I read the second one, and I was like... this is really good.
Then I read the third one, and, well... look three lines up there. That was my reaction.
I am now obsessed. I went out last night and bought the prequel, Clockwork Angel, and got it giftwrapped too, because wrapping was free :) So it's right over on my window seat... begging me to read it... which is why I'm going to go now!
I'd say happy Christmas/holidays now, but I'll probably (try to) post tomorrow or Friday. Just in case, though--happy holidays!

PS, I'm getting bangs cut tomorrow. Biiiig change for me! So, yeah, I'm kinda nervous!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm tired...

You know when you just want to sleep, but you also need to keep working? I'm having one of those moments right now. I'm up to 17095 words on TCSC. I wanted to get to 20000 by tonight, but I really don't know what direction to go with it. Gah I need sleep -.-
Incidentally, if anyone cares about the math test I was freaking out about a few posts ago, I got it back, and... guess who got an 81%? Oh damn!
Oh, and thanks for the reviews on my poem ;)

Friday, December 10, 2010

I never realized how screwy I really am.

I tried my hand at writing poetry tonight... I dunno. I think it sucks, but I would kinda like some critique or whatever, so I'll post one. Just warning you, it's really depressing.


Clean slate

No feelings, no memories

No failures, no mistakes

Just press the button to turn me off

I’ll shut down quietly

No one will notice

No one will care

It’s better than crashing

Yeah... I have about five other, equally depressing ones :P
I wrote them while procrastinating, funnily enough... I'm reading through Outpost, which needs a lot of edits but actually isn't all that terrible--for me, at least--and working on TCSC, which has 14685 words now. I suppose I should get back to work now, huh?

Friday, December 3, 2010


Yup, NaNo is done... as you can see by the shiny badge on the side there, I won... with 60006 words, I might add! I'm pretty proud... I finished Outpost with approx. 48000 words, then started on The Coffee Shop Chronicles (to be abbreviated to TCSC, because like many writers, I'm lazy :)) which I now have 12000 words on. I think that, so far, I'm like TCSC better than Outpost, so I'm pretty sure that I'll use my Createspace code on that... but who knows? Maybe I'll look back on Outpost and find that it's a literary masterpiece....

