Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm tired...

You know when you just want to sleep, but you also need to keep working? I'm having one of those moments right now. I'm up to 17095 words on TCSC. I wanted to get to 20000 by tonight, but I really don't know what direction to go with it. Gah I need sleep -.-
Incidentally, if anyone cares about the math test I was freaking out about a few posts ago, I got it back, and... guess who got an 81%? Oh damn!
Oh, and thanks for the reviews on my poem ;)


  1. Ay! Go you - bravo on the 81.

    I commend you on your 17 095 words, but if you're going into 'head rolling to one side because you're so friggin tired' sleepiness, my advice? Just stop writing. Take it from one with experience, one who hasn't slept properly in the past 300+ days. Anything that you write once you're aware that you're exhausted, will be pure crap. Seriously. And you'll only waste time reading back over it next time, realising that it was crap, when you could be writing! :) Good luck though.

  2. Thanks for the advice :) I did end up just shutting the laptop and going to bed!
