Friday, December 3, 2010


Yup, NaNo is done... as you can see by the shiny badge on the side there, I won... with 60006 words, I might add! I'm pretty proud... I finished Outpost with approx. 48000 words, then started on The Coffee Shop Chronicles (to be abbreviated to TCSC, because like many writers, I'm lazy :)) which I now have 12000 words on. I think that, so far, I'm like TCSC better than Outpost, so I'm pretty sure that I'll use my Createspace code on that... but who knows? Maybe I'll look back on Outpost and find that it's a literary masterpiece....




1 comment:

  1. Congrats fellow NaNo winner!! :D I found you via the 'blog' thread on NaNo forums
