Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thanks For Nothing - The Downtown Fiction

One thing before I get to the writing part of this post: HOLYSHIT 8 DAYS UNTIL I MEET ALL TIME LOW!!! Notice I didn't use the word "see" I used "meet".
Ladies and gentleman, this was deliberate.
Someone on the Hustler forums (ATL's fanclub. Not, um, the other sort of Hustler) offered to take me as her guest to the meet and greet before the show. So I am going to meet All Time Low. In person. They will be within hugging distance. They will be within poking distance!! Now, this girl who offered me her guest pass kind of restored my faith in the world... /creeperness.
Now, about that writing thing I supposedly do...
It's day 17 of Screnzy, at ten minutes to four in the afternoon. I am at 69 pages, or 36, 949 words. I'm a bit ahead of schedule, which is good, because there's no way in hell I'll be able to write the day of the concert. Or the night before, I'm assuming.
Because come on, how many times in my life am I going to meet ATL?
If I have any say in it, a lot.
But I digress.
I'm trying to get past 70 pages today, so I'm going to go do some more work :)

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